Featured Articles
Chicago Wellness
Examiner Articles
- Be Safe in your Post-Snowpocalypse Cleanup Efforts
- As you venture back out after yesterday’s blizzard, remember that the danger isn’t necessarily over. Remember to take appropriate health and safety precautions during your time outside and doing cleanup.
- Walgreens Way to Well Commitment Begins with Free Blood Pressure Testing
- Walgreens announced today a $100 million initiative for preventive health care resources, health testing services, and charitable programs for stores and communities in all states over the next four years. Called the “Way to Well Commitment,” the program will offer accessible, affordable resources for prevention and early detection of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.
- Keep Your Pets Safe this Winter
- We’ve now been in sub-zero wind chill readings in Chicagoland, so make sure you are looking out for your pets as well as yourself and family. Here are some tips from Lake County Health Department Animal Care and Control.
- 5 Healthy Weight Loss Tips
- How are your weight-loss resolutions going? Maybe not so well? If so, check out these five quick, healthy weight-loss tips from Toby Smithson, RD, LDN, CDE.
- Best Recipes for Your 2011 Health Resolutions
- As you look to eat better and healthier in 2011, these nourishing recipes are well worth another look.
- I’m Dreaming of a Winter Storm Warning Christmas
- With a white Christmas in Chicagoland, it’s a good time to review the different types of winter weather advisories, and what they mean. Do you know how to prepare and what to do in each situation?
- Chef Jody’s Healthiest Recipes of 2010
- Chef Jody Emer is a celebrated chef in the Chicago northern suburbs. Here are some of her favorite recipes from the Chicago Wellness Examiner column.
- Keeping Your Potluck Healthy This Holiday
- Here are some tips for keeping your food safe before, during, and after your potluck, as recommended by the McHenry County Department of Health.
- Snowshoeing at the Chicago Botanic Gardens
- Snowshoeing enthusiasts have a beautiful venue this winter -- the Chicago Botanic Gardens. Weather permitting, through February 28, snowshoeing is available from 8 a.m. until sunset daily.
- Healthy Dining Out This Holiday Season
- One of the keys to healthy eating out is to find that balance between an occasional indulgence and excessive over-eating that sends the scale in the wrong direction. Here are some tips and tricks from Toby Smithson, RD, LDN, CDE.
- Safety Tips for Preparing Your Holiday Feasts
- Preparing or helping with a sumptuous family feast in the next few weeks? A great event usually doesn’t involve food borne illness! Here are some food safety tips to help ensure your holiday meals are prepared in a safe manner, from the Lake County Health Department/Community Health Center.
- Healthy Holiday Tips for Those with Diabetes
- For snacking and dining out, use these tips as a guide, from Melissa Joy Dobbins, MS, RD, CDE, Certified Diabetes Educator, and spokesperson for the Illinois Dietetic Association.
- Small Changes, Big Difference: Tips for American Diabetes Month
- There is much you can do to manage diabetes and live a healthy life. Small changes and healthier lifestyle habits really can make a big difference. Here are some tips from Melissa Joy Dobbins, MS, RD, CDE, Certified Diabetes Educator, and spokesperson for the Illinois Dietetic Association.
- Diabetes Myths and Facts
- Test your knowledge of this disease with this true/false quiz from Melissa Joy Dobbins, MS, RD, CDE, Certified Diabetes Educator, and spokesperson for the Illinois Dietetic Association.
- Feel Young and Fit in an Ageless Pilates Body
- Pilates coach and fitness author Christine Binnendyk’s recently published book Ageless Pilates provides a clearly written, fully illustrated, easy-to-use exercise manual to help anyone at any age achieve a stronger, more flexible, and energetic body.
- Considering Yoga? Here’s Some Tips to Get Started
- Beginning yoga can be exciting and intimidating. With all the different poses, the Sanskrit names and the different types of yoga offered, a beginner may not know where to actually begin. Here’s some tips to get you started, from Anna Ottolino, owner of The Yoga Effect in Grayslake, Illinois.
- Is That New Diet A Fad?
- f you’re looking for weight loss advice, how do you know that new and exciting diet isn’t just an old fad reworked? According to Toby Smithson, RD, LDN, CDE, Community Dietitian at the Lake County Health Department and National Media Spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association, look for these warning signs.
- Chef Jody's Top Ten Herbs for Health
- Chef Jody Emer is a celebrated chef in the Chicago northern suburbs. Certified in Professional Cookery, Bakery and Pastry, and Catering and Dining Room Management, she is currently a personal chef specializing in healthy cooking and wellness coaching.
- Nutrient dense? No, nutrient rich!
- Nutrient density is a term used by dietitians for the ratio of the amount of nutrient in foods to the energy provided by the food (in other words, the calories). Nutrient-dense foods provide a substantial amount of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients with relatively few calories.
- Taking Your Workout Outdoors
- With the weather getting nicer, now is the time to take part in one of the most popular trends in fitness – doing your workout outside. Making the move outdoors doesn’t require specialized equipment; you can use features easily available in parks or forest preserves, such as benches, posts, rock paths, and paved and non-paved paths.
- Top 10 reasons to eat locally grown food
- Did you know that most food in chain supermarkets travels an average of 1500 miles to get to your table? Eating locally grown food can be healthier and makes ecological sense. Here are 10 reasons to eat locally, from Rory Klick, Horticulture Department Chair, at the College of Lake County in Grayslake.
- 10 ways to become a locavore
- A previous article detailed 10 reasons to start eating locally produced food. Here are 10 practical tips for helping you become a locavore, from Rory Klick, Horticulture Department Chair, at the College of Lake County in Grayslake.
- Avoiding Fitness And Weight Loss Plateaus
- f it's been a few months since you started a particular exercise program, you may have hit a plateau. It happens to most exercisers at some point, and unless you regularly change your program to take account of changes in your body, it’s almost guaranteed to occur.
- Add Trail Running to Your Fitness Program
- Why head for the trails? For one, trails are a lot more fun. Workout time passes quickly as you run through nature. Watch the plants change with the seasons and look for wildlife. Anticipate what is around the next bend or over the hill. And, when you view exercise in a positive way, you’re more likely to get some each day.
- Cross training exercises to help improve running performance
- In a previous article, the benefits of cross training for runners was discussed. Today, you will learn about some cross training exercises.
- When less means more: cross-training for runners
- Want to run better? Then try taking a break from running once or twice a week. However, that doesn't mean you can sit on the couch. Instead, cross train.
Training Handouts
from IDEA
- High-Fructose Corn Syrup and Sweetened Beverages
- High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) has garnered much attention for contributing to America's obesity problem. But are these worries really justified, or are they all hype?

Burning Fat: Myths and Facts
- Do you really have to exercise in a specific heart rate zone to lose fat? And what happens if you venture out of that zone?

Qigong Sampler
- Qigong is an ancient Chinese exercise and healing system. Here are some movements and resources.

Pilates: Aid for Low Back Pain
- Back pain? Pilates can help, since it strengthens the deep stabilizers of the spine.