The Wellness Coaching Contract
My Responsibilities as Coach
- As your wellness coach, my role is to help you improve your wellness, and the ability and self confidence to maintain a higher level of wellness.
- Through a coaching inquiry, I will encourage you to identify your wellness vision, motivators, obstacles, and strategies to overcome your obstacles, and commit to improving your wellness.
- I will listen to you attentively and without judgment or my own agenda.
- Where possible I will ask questions and encourage you to arrive at your own answers.
- I will encourage realistic expectations and goals
- I will be direct and firm with feedback when needed.
- I will help identify creative solutions to get around roadblocks.
- I will provide advice and instruction for engineering wellness activities into your busy life.
- I will be punctual and responsive.
- I will recognize early whether the chemistry with you is good or not optimal, and if not optimal, refer you to another coach.
- I will acknowledge when you have an issue that is outside my scope of knowledge and skill and recommend other avenues.
Your Responsibilities as Client
- I want to improve my level of wellness.
- I believe that a higher level of wellness will bring me powerful benefits that are very important to me.
- I am ready to take responsibility to make and sustain changes in at least one area of wellness.
- I am ready to invest at least three months to make improvements.
- I will be open and honest, and I will share personal information that is relevant to wellness.
- I am ready to become more self-aware.
- I am open to suggestions and trying new things.
- I understand that setbacks are normal on the path of change and necessary in order to establish new behaviors.
- I will be punctual and responsive.
- I will ask for the support, feedback or resources I need from my coach.
- I will let my coach know as soon as possible if a problem or issue is developing that could seriously alter the normal scheduling and three month agreement.
Are You Ready?
Contact Coach Ken at to schedule your first coaching session.
Wellness Coaching Services | What is Wellness Coaching? | Am I Ready for Change?