How to Choose a Quality Fitness Facility

A combination of the staff, the programs, the members and physical environment work together to compose your ideal facility.

Most facilities will have people to give you a tour. Ask to see the entire facility. Observe the facility closely, ask questions and use this worksheet to compare two facilities that interest you.

Will you be allowed to tryout the facility before committing to a membership?
Ask if you can obtain a free day pass to see if you like and feel comfortable in the facility.
Does the facility thoroughly explain payment methods, policies and cancellation procedures?
You should find out how you will pay for membership and what will happen if you move or need to cancel your membership for some reason.
Does the facility belong to a professional association?
An association such as IDEA or IRSA keeps owners and instructors informed about current safety standards and enjoyable programs and provides a Code of Ethics that members adhere to.
Is the facility close to your home or work?
Research has shown that the number-one reason people leave a facility is because it is not conveniently located.
Does the facility hire qualified, certified fitness instructors?
To prepare a class that gives you a safe, effective workout, an instructor needs a good grounding in exercise technique. An exercise certification from an organization such as ACE or ACSM indicates that the instructor has basic knowledge or better in the areas necessary to teach a quality class. Instructors should be knowledgeable in anatomy, kinesiology, exercise physiology, injury prevention, monitoring of exercise intensity and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). They should also be able to apply this knowledge for specific populations.
Is the facility service oriented, not sales oriented?
The staff should encourage you to USE the facility, not just belong. Staff members should be happy to answer any questions you have about the facility's programs.
Are people available to help you if you have questions about the equipment? Will someone show you how to work the equipment?
You can't get much use out of the equipment if you don't know how to use it!
Do the instructors treat each member individually and offer exercise alternatives for different people, depending on their fitness level and goals?
Instructors should be able to show moves that are suitable for beginner, intermediate and advanced participants and those with a variety of health concerns. They should encourage you to go at your own pace and stop and rest if you feel extreme discomfort or fatigue.
Do the employees seem to care about you as a person and not just as a revenue source?
Ask other members how happy they are with the customer service the facility provides. Ask if the employees build a personal relationship with the members. You want to know if employees are easily accessible, knowledgeable and friendly.
Are you comfortable with the members at the facility?
Ask what type of people frequent the facility. What age range works out at the facility? Are you comfortable with the people you see there? Can you imagine yourself spending time there?
Will an employee be available to help you set up an exercise program?
If you are new to exercise or haven't exercised for years, it might be helpful to have someone advise you on what type of exercise would be best for you. The person can suggest classes you could take that you would enjoy and are at the appropriate level for you. He or she can also advise you on weight training and using the cardiovascular equipment.
Are the classes or programs you are interested in scheduled at times that are convenient for you?
You want to make sure the classes that appeal to you are convenient to your busy schedule. If you don't like those that are scheduled for your free times, you won't go, and that means less value for your dollar.
Does the facility offer a variety of programs that interest you?
Variety can improve adherence to an exercise program in the long run. Make sure the facility offers programs that you are excited about.

Article courtesy of IDEA Health & Fitness Association. Reprinted with permission.

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